Terms of Use

Please read the following Terms & Conditions carefully. By using our website or our tool, you’re agreeing to adhere to these terms. They work as a legal and binding agreement.

This contract concerns, and is being carried out between, two particular parties defined as the Plagdoc Team and the User. Any third parties are not included or involved in any way unless otherwise stated explicitly in the following contract or any updates to what the agreement constitutes in the future.

The meaning of the following words on this page has been defined as:

  • “plagdoc”, “We”, “Us”, “Our Team”, “the Team” – the employees and owners of plagdoc.
  • “You”, “Members”, “Users”– the customers of plagdoc or anyone using our software.

You accept that:

  1. Liability to Users: Plagdoc is not liable to users in any way, including incidental, direct, indirect, exemplary, special, substantial, minor or punitive damages. This includes loss generation, emotional distress, property damage, descent in revenue and the like. plagdoc is only liable to users to the minimum extent of any applicable law. Therefore, you adhere to indemnify the plagdoc team from any and every kind of loss you may incur (except as stated in the law).

  2. Member Guarantees: By signing up for our service, you are agreeing not to:
    • Infringe, breach or circumvent any international, national and state laws or use third-party individuals or groups to do so.
    • Illegally or legally hack or damage the solution to gain access to other members’ data and to exploit breached information for any purposes, malicious or otherwise.
    • Use any email ID or contact information provided by plagdoc (tool, website or any other content) to upload, transmit or shoot SPAM.

  3. Payments: Upon registering for Plagdoc,
    • You will make available an authorized payment source and sanction the company to deduct the subscription fee as per your billing cycle (monthly/yearly) from the provided account.
    • If the current payment source expires, you will provide a new and valid payment source before the subscription payment due date.
    • If we’re unable to deduct membership fees within 7 days after the due date, your account may be suspended.
    • Payment sources include credit cards, PayPal or any other means which we deem acceptable.
    • The renewal payment for your subscription will be charged after every 30 or 365 days depending upon your billing cycle.
    • Subscription fee will be charged until you cancel the account.
    • In case you do not wish to continue your monthly/yearly subscription, it’s your responsibility to cancel the subscription before payment is charged.
    • The deduction of subscription payment is non-refundable for all the consumed credits.

  4. Account Cancellation: Both the user and plagdoc have the right to cancel the account without prior notification to the other party. Only if we terminate your account without cause, will we refund you a prorated portion of any plan prepayment. In the case of termination, all your data and activity may permanently be deleted from our tool, immediately. Once you cancel your plagdoc subscription, your account will immediately be deactivated.

  5. Account Ownership: plagdoc credits the person in whose name the account is registered to be the owner.

  6. Pricing Policy: Plagdoc is authorized to change our prices intermittently and without prior warning or notification, whenever we deem fit.

  7. Account Conditions: By signing up with us, you agree to have the authority and capability to observe our rules.
    • Only humans can register as subscribers. Automated bots cannot register for our tool. Third party registrations are also prohibited. However, you may use your web-browser’s auto-fill feature.
    • You accept that you are at least 13 years of age or have the necessary parental and/or guardian consent to pay for and use this account.
    • Selling your account forward to other users is prohibited.
    • You maintain complete responsibility for your actions using this account, or activities conducted through or in relation to plagdoc. Any activities unauthorized or uninitiated by you must be reported to use immediately.
    • You must give us your legal name, ZIP or region code, functional email ID, payment details and other personal information we deem essential for your usage of plagdoc.
    • It is your responsibility to protect your password and other account details from theft and malicious usage. plagdoc will not be responsible for damage caused by your failure to fulfill protective obligations.

  8. Use of Our Service: Your access to plagdoc's service is established on a license of Intellectual Property we’ve granted to you. For the period of your use, you will use the tool in accordance with our terms and conditions, which you’ve agreed to. You cannot extend or transfer your use without express permission from us. plagdoc retains all rights not explicitly granted to the user.

  9. Dispute Cost Compensation: In the event we abound against you in any disputes arising from this agreement, you adhere to compensate us for damages, attorney costs, expenses, relief and other outlays incurred by us during the dispute.

  10. Subpoena: In the case of a necessary subpoena response, you may be liable to pay for costs, expenses and damages incurred while answering the subpoena.

  11. Force Majeure: Plagdoc will not be responsible for depreciation or damages suffered due to forces out of our direct and indirect control, including acts of nature, federal policies, war, power failure, hacking and the like.
  12. Dispute Resolution. Any dispute or controversy You or We have arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled exclusively under The Laws of the State of Victoria, Australia, excluding its conflict of Laws rules, will apply to any and all disputes arising out of or relating to the Services or this Agreement (“Disputes”). All legal actions in connection with a Dispute under this Agreement will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in Victoria, Australia and courts of appeal from them. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (known as the Vienna Sales Convention 1980) is excluded from this Agreement.

  13. Intellectual Property: According to these Terms and Conditions, we define rules for Intellectual Property for the user and plagdoc as:
    • User: When uploading or transmitting data using plagdoc’s website or solution, you warrant that you have express permission to put said data into use, online or otherwise and to transmit it using plagdoc. Subject to our Privacy Policy, you grant us express consent to dispense and transmit your data anywhere in the world. Any provided data or the information within the account will be kept safe and secure and will never be sold to or shared with any third party.
    • plagdoc: Our website, tool, content, functionality, features and all other data, online or otherwise, issued or created by plagdoc, is solely the property of plagdoc under the International Intellectual Property Rights Laws. You comply to not copy, adjust, adapt, rephrase, spin, deviate, perform or display our pictures, designs, ideas, videos, blogs, comments, software, User Interface, posts or any other content made accessible to you on the plagdoc website or via third-party content written, published or transmitted by us.

  14. Disclaimer: Plagdoc presents you with our service and website in full compliance with applicable international and national laws but makes no absolute warranties or guarantees regarding its service that have been implied or permitted, including, but not restricted to, merchantability, performance and full compliance with claims. We also do not warrant the error-free, virus-immune, harmless, complete and uninterrupted service at any and every time of day or night.

  15. Note: We may change, update or nullify these terms and our Privacy Policy at any moment without prior warning, although an email may be sent to relevant parties.

Final Agreement: You accept that this agreement and its titles and content supersedes any previous agreements, representations, understandings, covenants and contracts that the two parties have had in the past, and are constituted as the basis of your use of plagdoc.